By: Chris “Topher” Aderhold
Let’s bust out our magnifying glasses and do some inspecting of the analytics of the Camp Gray website!
Quatre is the number “four” in French. Quatre is not the name of the country that will be hosting the 2022 World Cup – that would be Qatar, and yes, in the past year, one person in Qatar visited the Camp Gray website.
Welcome to the 4th annual By the Numbers blog post. Way back, in the 11th year of the 3rd millennium, the current edition of the Camp Gray website was created. For those of you playing at home, something else great began here at Camp Gray during that monumental year.
December 6th marked the 4th birthday of the Camp Gray website, so I’m celebrating like I have each of the past 3 years: I slip my pocket protector into place and “nerd out” on the analytics of the Camp Gray website over the course of the past year.
I’m guessing, at this point in the article, you’re thinking to yourself, “Self, while normally I prefer reading Tuesdays with Topher posts filled with stories of tradition, possibility, and lofty dreams, I’m bursting with excitement to read about numbers and analytics.”
Awesome! Thanks for your support!
I enjoy breaking down the analytics of our website because it’s a small peek into Camp Gray’s growth. If more people are visiting the Camp Gray website each year, then I think we can safely conclude that more people are aware of Camp Gray.
This past year, people in all 50 states and 122 countries visited the Camp Gray website. Yeah, you read that correctly. ALL 50 STATES and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO COUNTRIES! Last year, we only had 107 countries represented.
More locally, last year folks in 262 towns in Wisconsin visited the Camp Gray website. This year: 306!
Overall, over the course of the past year, the Camp Gray website was visited 55,679 times, and collectively visitors viewed 161,330 pages!
Before I continue, allow me to simply say (write): Thank you. Thank you for your great support of Camp Gray!
Below, I break down a handful of facts that I find quite interesting. Please, if you have thoughts, questions, comments, or you’d simply like to “nerd out” with me, please shoot me an email!
5 Most Visited Pages (number of pageviews)
1. Off at Camp – (34,170)
2. Session Chart – (14,851)
3. Summer Camp – (6,302)
4. Registration – (5,008)
5. Summer Camp FAQ – (4,983)
Our Top 5 most visited pages list is fairly standard from year to year. Summer Camp gets lots of love, but don’t forget: Camp Gray is open all year round!
5 Most Popular Domestic Viewing Locations (number of views)
1. Wisconsin – (37,815)
2. Illinois – (5,468)
3. Minnesota – (1,074)
4. Iowa – (791)
5. Texas – (711)
The first four of the Top 5 are the same as last year. Congrats to TEXAS for leapfrogging Kansas and taking over the fifth spot!
5 Least Popular Domestic Viewing Locations (number of views)
1. Wyoming – (10)
2. New Mexico – (16)
3. Idaho – (16)
4. Delaware – (19)
5. Rhode Island – (20)
It’s a big day for Vermont and Hawaii! For the first time, both states escaped the Bottom 5! Congrats friends! Aloha and Maple Syrup!
5 Most Popular International Viewing Locations (number of views)
1. Brazil – (270)
2. Canada – (145)
3. United Kingdom – (136)
4. Italy – (121)
5. France – (120)
For the first time, France cracks the Top 5 most popular international viewing locations list! Is it because, for some unexplained reason, we number the annual “By the Numbers” post with French numbers? Probably, yes.
Tied for 6th: India and Russia with 114 views!
5 Most Interesting Viewing Locations, In My Honest Opinion (number of views)
1. Romania – (7)
2. Poland – (11)
3. Netherlands – (55)
4. Kazakhstan – (1)
5. Côte d’Ivoire – (1)
Take a look at that map to the right. Yes indeed, over the course of the past year, the Camp Gray website has been visited by folks on every continent on earth, except for Antarctica.
Do you know anybody visiting Antarctica in the next year? Please oh please invite them to visit the Camp Gray website while they’re there! Thanks!
5 Most Popular Blogs (number of pageviews)
1. Made for GRAYtness – (595)
2. There’s No Place for Ordinary at Camp Gray – (444)
3. A SaLT of the Earth Family – (389)
4. Love Like Paul – (383)
5. Why I Love Being Catholic – (359)
Thanks for checking out the annual By the Numbers post! Come on back next week for the final blog of the year – the annual Year in Review post. It’s always a great joy for me to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 4,500 words telling the story of the past year. You can expect to be bombarded with roughly two-dozen hyperlinks to aid in my telling of: CAMP GRAY 2015.
Thanks again for your great support of Camp Gray!
(If you’re curious to see how much we’ve grown, check out By the Numbers, parts un, deux, & trios.)