By: Chris “Topher” Aderhold
Hello friends!
As some of you know, each year on this date, I like to pull my graphing calculator out of it’s protective case, and I nerd out with lots of and lots of numbers. Next week, I’ll be writing 400-5,000 words reminiscing on the greatness that was 2016 at Camp Gray. Today, I’m excited to share with you more numbers than the fourth book of the Old Testament.
Today, I’m bringing you my annual numbers report from the Camp Gray website. I enjoy hashing out the analytics of our site because it’s a small glimpse into Camp Gray’s growth. If more people from more places are visiting our site year after year, then I think we can safely conclude that more people are aware and interested in Camp Gray.
I know that you’re just oozing with excitement!
Actually, if we’re being honest – and I like to think that here on the Camp Gray Blog, we’re nothing if we’re not honest – I recognize that this perhaps doesn’t sound like the most engaging and fun blog post. You visit the Camp Gray Blog because there are expectations of stories of wisdom, stories of faith, friends, and fun, and stories of deliciousness.
However, I encourage you to read on, because though this week’s post has numbers galore, I think you’ll enjoy. So come along on a nerdy adventure with me, won’t you? If you’re not feeling nerdy on this lovely December day, before you leave, know that we are SO incredibly appreciative of your support of Camp Gray. Without your support, there wouldn’t be a Camp Gray, and without the mission of Camp Gray, this world would be a little bit darker.
This past year, folks in all 50 states and 118 countries visited our site. More locally, over the course of the past year, folks in 339 towns in Wisconsin visited the CG website! Three hundred and thirty nine towns! That’s pretty remarkable! The year prior, we had visits from people in only 306 Wisconsin towns. Growth!
Overall, over the course of the past year, the CG website received 53,032 visits and collectively visitors viewed 159,824 pages! Wowsers! To each of the thousands of you that visited our site over the course of the past year, we thank you.
Before we get to more of the numbers from the past year, I wanted to make you aware of an exciting day coming to Camp Gray soon! Next Wednesday, December 14th, is a huge day for Camp Gray for two reasons. First off, it’s Rebecca’s birthday! You can mail her Doritos and/or chocolates here:
Camp Gray
E10213 Shady Lane Rd.
Reedsburg, WI 53959
Secondly, next Wednesday, December 14th, we’re rolling out a fresh, updated, super clean, and awesome new WEBSITE! Many hours of work have been put into making this new website a reality. Thanks Wes! Please come back next Wednesday to check out the new website!
One more thing, before we get to the aforementioned numbers. Yesterday marked the fifth anniversary of the launch of the current iteration of our website. It’s served us well over the past 1,825 days, and it has helped to showcase much of the awesomeness that takes place at Camp Gray. Thanks Brian!
And now, a few website analytics numbers from the past year!
5 Most Visited Pages (number of pageviews):
1. Off at Camp – 40,820
2. Session Chart – 13,037
3. Summer Camp – 6,922
4. Registration – 5,175
5. Summer Camp FAQ – 3,946
The Top 5 pages viewed remains the same once again. Summer, summer, summer! We love summer around Camp Gray! However, don’t forget, we’re open all year ‘round! Learn more about what takes place at Camp Gray during the school year by clicking here!
5 Most Popular Domestic Viewing Locations (number of visits):
1. Wisconsin – 36,040
2. Illinois – 5,525
3. Texas – 869
4. Minnesota – 820
5. Iowa – 691
The Top 5 States List encompasses the same states as last year, though Texas jumped from number five to three! Congrats Texas!
5 Least Popular Domestic Viewing Locations (number of visits):
1. Wyoming – 2
2. Idaho – 9
3. Hawaii – 9
4. Utah – 13
5. Alaska – 14
Last year, Wyoming had five times as many visits (10!). For some reason, Camp Gray excitement in Wyoming has dwindled. Come back, Wyoming! Hawaii and Alaska escaped the Bottom 5 last year, but this year they came roaring back, which I guess makes sense, as they’re both so far away. Then again, the country of Iraq had 24 visits to the website this past year, which is more than Hawaii and Alaska combined. Come on Bottom 5! Get your act together!
5 Most Popular International Viewing Locations (number of visits):
1. United Kingdom – 291
2. Canada – 233
3. Russia – 143
4. Brazil – 138
5. India – 109
RUSSIA?! India?! Wow! Where’d you go, Italy?
Erin’s blog post, “The Camper to Staffer Journey” was the most viewed blog of the past year!
5 Most Viewed Blogs From the Past Year:
1. The Camper to Staffer Journey (899 Views)
2. The Adventure Has Begun (759 Views)
3. Spring Madness Part Five (402 Views)
4. From The Mountain to the Mountains (337 Views)
5. The Panda Ball Pandemic (328 Views)
And because we promised you LOTS of numbers, here’s a few more: Over the past five years, our website has been visited 262,599 times, and collectively our website pages have been viewed 803,265 times. I recognize that a quarter-of-a-million visits to a website over the course of five years is a drop in the bucket compared to big boy websites like – in fact, they probably get that many visits per day! However, for a non-profit Catholic Camp, I think a quarter-of-a-million visits is quite impressive. Knowledge of this place continues to grow (over the past five years, folks in 158 countries have visited the CG website!)
More numbers! The following is a list of the most popular 8 blogs from the past five years.
Top 8 Viewed Blogs from the past five years:
1. The Panda Ball Pandemic (1,217 views)
2. The Odyssey to 500 (960 views)
3. The Camp Gray Experience (934 views)
4. The Camper to Staffer Journey (899 views)
5. A SaLT of the Earth Family (875 views)
6. People of Hope (861 views)
7. Music for the Journey (825 views)
8. A Story from the Trees (769 views)
In summary, THANKS. Growth takes place ‘round here in large part because YOU help spread the word. Also, because you share our facebook posts and you retweet our tweets and you talk up our YouTube Channel and you nudge your friend in science class and say, “Did you know Camp Gray is on instagram and snapchat?!”
Do you have a question for the semi-regular Tuesdays with Topher Mailbag? Send them here! Check out the first, second, third, and fourth mailbag!
(And here’s one last number for you: 43. There are 43 links in this post. 10 points for whomever visits EACH link!)