2012 was a super year – even Superman agrees, and let’s face it, he’s the foremost expert on all things super. Prepare yourselves, because 2013 promises to be even more super!
By: Chris “Topher” Aderhold
Two thousand and thirteen.
Yes indeed, friends, two thousand and twelve flew by faster than a verb ball being hurtled through the air from a camper standing in the triangle cone area during a game of Capture the Flag on the Athletic Field (CTF on the AF). Does that mean it was a great year? Absolutely. There’s really no other explanation. 2012 saw record numbers of Summer Camp campers, a new retreat space & office, a new swimming pool, a new basketball court, PODS, yadda yadda yadda. I could go on and on.
All along the journey, the world famous* Camp Gray blogging team, and a plethora of guest bloggers, kept you updated weekly (& occasionally semi-weekly) with stories, information, and upcoming events.
We hope you enjoyed the constant flow of updates from Camp Gray.
On to 2013; we’re thrilled about the upcoming year – for many reasons, most of which will be discussed in detail in the upcoming Camp Gray winter newsletter, The Camp Gray Gazette (are you not on our mailing list? Email us your mailing address and you’ll get some snail mail soon!). One of the big reasons we’re excited about 2013 is that this year marks the 60th year of Camp Gray’s existence!
The Camp Gray blogging team is overjoyed to once again document all of the greatness that is sure to come this year. Additionally, we are always on the lookout for ideas of things to write about.
So, we want to hear from you. We love keeping you, the Camp Gray family, in the loop. We want to fill our blog with words that you want to read. What kinds of stories and information would you like to see from us during this exciting year at Camp Gray? Please send us an email with the details of what you want to read. OR, facebook us. OR, tweet us!
We are thrilled with all the great things that are coming to Camp Gray during 2013 and you will no doubt be as well! Thanks for joining us on the journey.
Happy New Year!
*What does it take to officially be ‘world famous’? As was explained in our By the Numbers post, there are literally folks all around the world reading the Camp Gray blog. Does that make it ‘world famous’? Unless you can convince me otherwise, I’m going to say, “yes, yes it does.”
Do you have questions (about CG, sports, faith, coffee… anything!) for the semi-regular Tuesdays with Topher mailbag? Email! Thanks to those that have already emailed over questions! Check out the latest mailbag by clicking here.