Editors note: Colleen & Darleen, two of our fabulous SaLT missionaries, have teamed up to create a two-part picture blog (PLOG!). As you’ll see in the images below, part 1 began a few weeks back when winter was still knocking at our doors. Enjoy!
By: Colleen Dunn
Where in the world is Walter the fish? “Lake Jake!” you might say. But oh no my friends, he has left his home for a little journey around camp searching for all of YOU! As I was taking a walk enjoying the beauty of our 225 acres, I spotted him sneaking out of the water to go on an adventure around camp, so that he could get a closer look at where you all hang out during Summer Camp and when you come to Camp Gray during the school year. Thank goodness I had my camera so I could document this epic journey of his!
To be continued…
Tune in next Thursday for Part 2 of Walter’s Adventure Plog! Also, stay updated on other Camp happenings right here on the Camp Gray blog… or plog… or maybe even a vlog (video blog)!