By: Chris “Topher” Aderhold
It’s not often that we, the staff of Camp Gray, put on ties and dresses and use product in our hair. However, there we were this past weekend, all dressed up, with somewhere to go: Camp’s 4th Annual Benefit Dinner. (do you want proof of our dressing up? Click here to view part 1 of the Benefit Dinner photo album!)
2013 is Camp’s 60th Anniversary, and there are multiple ways that we’re celebrating this wonderful milestone.
The kick off to our yearlong celebration was the Benefit Dinner, which was held at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Cross Plains.
It was a boisterous and fun event with over 200 people in attendance to show their support of the mission of Camp Gray.
The food, prepared by Chef Kevin Andraska, was delicious, the silent auction area was anything but silent, and the live auction portion of the night – led by Karen DeSonto – was a laugh a minute spectacle.
One of the highlights at our annual dinner is the presentation of our Luke 22:26 Award recipient for the previous year. The Luke 22:26 Award honors the person or persons that best exemplify the spirit of Christ-like servant leadership to Camp Gray. We thank you, Nathan Heit, for all of the ways that make you the obvious choice for the 2012 Award (to read the words which were read to recognize Nate’s accomplishment, click here).
We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your support of Camp Gray. Whether you were in attendance, or you donated auction items, or you came and helped serve the dinner; we thank you. The spirit of Camp Gray survives because of your passion to aid in Camp’s mission.
Finally, on behalf of Jeff and Rebecca and the entire Camp Gray family, I want to extend an enormous “Thank You!” to our incredible Fab Five Benefit Dinner Planning Team: Lindsay Becher, Jenna Keller, Corey Sielaff, Nicky Kaehler, and Darleen Kittrick. Planning for the 4th installment of the Camp Gray Benefit Dinner began minutes after the conclusion of our 3rd dinner, which yes, was a year ago. The little details and fun additions make the Camp Gray Benefit Dinner an incredibly unique experience for all. The work these five ladies invested into the dinner is a true example of the spirit of servant leadership at Camp Gray.
Please mark your calendars for other opportunities to celebrate Camp’s 60th Anniversary:
June 21 – 23 – Alumni Staff Weekend
Sept. 7 – Camp’s 60th Birthday Bash
Do you have questions (about CG, sports, faith, coffee… anything!) for the semi-regular Tuesdays with Topher mailbag? Email! Thanks to those that have already emailed over questions! Check out the latest mailbag by clicking here.