Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most common questions that come up when thinking about and preparing for Summer Camp at Camp Gray. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, the Camp Gray staff is ready and happy to help! Just give us a call (608.356.8200) or email (!

What are buddy requests and how do they work?

We love for folks to share the joy of Camp with friends and family! If your camper is attending a week of Camp with a friend or family member, and they are in the same program (Settlers, Trailblazers, etc.) and gender, you may request to be placed in the same cabin together through the Buddy Request system.  We will do our best to accommodate 1-2 reciprocal buddy requests for each camper – which means if your child is requesting to be with a friend, please remind the friend to request your child as well!  Buddy Requests can be made online at the time of Registration, or you can email “” to add them at a later time.

Please note – buddy requests are only for placing campers in the same cabin.  If your child has a friend that is of the opposite gender, or in a different age group, they will be able to see each other and spend time together multiple different times in the day, but would not be placed in the same cabin – therefore, you do not need to write them in as a buddy request.

What does communication with my camper look like? What is the Email Service and how do I sign my camper up?

A great way to communicate with your camper throughout the week is with our Email Service.  ***This year, we have absorbed the Email Service into our Registration (without raising the cost of Summer Camp) for all campers, which means you do not need to sign your camper up for emails, or add it to your account – all campers are automatically signed up for emails at registration time. 

Our Email Service enables you to communicate with your camper daily, rather than waiting for letters to get mailed home.  

Our email service works as follows:

  • You send 1 email to your camper daily, Monday-Thursday, by 11 AM (if multiple family members would like to send messages to your camper, please compile them into one single email).  Send your email to “”
  • We will print your email, and your camper will have a chance to read the email and reply after lunch
  • Your camper will write or draw you a message on pre-addressed papers we give their counselors
  • In the afternoon, your camper’s message is scanned and sent to your email

If you have any questions, contact our Registrar in the office!

Can my camper receive mail at Camp Gray? What about packages?

Yes, your camper is welcome to send letters home and receive letters during their time at Camp! If your camper is planning to write home, please send your camper with pre-addressed and pre-stamped envelopes, as this best equips the letters to make it home!

You are welcome to send letters and packages to your camper while they are Camp Gray at the following: 

Camp Gray

Attn: Camper Name (+Counselor Name if you have it!)

E10213 Shady Lane Road

Reedsburg, WI 53959

Please note that we are a peanut and tree nut free facility – if sending a care package to your camper, please ensure that any food is peanut and nut free.  Thank you!

Are we able to see what our campers are doing during their week at camp?

Yes! We post pictures daily for families to keep up with the happenings of Camp! You will receive a link to the folder, along with the password to access the photos, via email as your session of camp approaches.  If you have any questions or need assistance accessing the photos, please call (608-356-8200) or email us at!

How does the Canteen Store work? What sorts of items are in the Canteen Store?  How much should my camper have in their canteen account? 

Your camper will have a chance to visit the Canteen Store daily with their cabin (Monday-Friday) to pick up an ice cream/frozen treat (our only food option in the store), and then will also be given a time to shop the rest of what the store has to offer.  Ice Cream Treats are $2-$3 dollars, and our other items in the store range in price.  We have T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats which can range from $15-$40 per item; water bottles and mugs for $15-$20; smaller items such as rubber bracelets, dog tags, stuffed animals, and sunglasses for $4-$15.  We suggest $15 – $50 in your canteen account for the week, based on what is best for your family.  Our Canteen Store is also open on Sundays and Fridays for you to shop together as a family!

Can I add more money in my camper’s Canteen Account during the week? What happens to leftover money at the end of the week?

You can access your camper’s canteen account during the week and track their spending and add money remotely, if you’d like.  You can also call the office at Camp and we can help you add money to your camper’s account over the phone.  The Canteen Store is open on Fridays after the Parent Program/Pick Up to be able to spend leftover money in your camper’s account.  At the end of the week, any money still left in canteen accounts is donated into our Scholarship Account to assist families with camper fees for next year. 

How many other campers will be in my camper’s cabin? How many adults?

In our Settler Program, cabins will typically have 8 or less campers in each cabin.

For our Trailblazers, Pathfinders, and Explorers, each cabin will have 10 or less campers in each cabin.

For all programs, each cabin has 1 head counselor, with 1-2 additional co-counselors.  Counselors will be with their cabins for activities, eat together at meals, and at least two staff members will sleep in the cabin with campers.

How does Supervision work at Camp?

We follow the direction of the American Camp Association in terms of Supervision and Ratios.  Campers will be in, at minimum, at 8:1 Camper to Staff Ratio for Settlers and Trailblazers and a 10:1 Camper to Staff Ratio for Pathfinders and Explorers.  While campers will rotate through activities and parts of the day with different staff members, campers are not left unattended at any point throughout the day.

How will my camper experience the Catholic Faith during their week at Camp Gray?

We hope and pray that your camper experiences the faith in countless ways – through prayer, the joy of campers and staff, the presence of our Priest – and we’ve intentionally carved out sections of the day for teaching and participation in the Sacraments.  Each morning, your camper will attend “Morning Praise and Prayer,” which is a time of teaching on the faith and of prayer – may be a full group lesson, time to discuss the faith with their cabin, or time in the Chapel in Adoration.  Daily Mass is offered each day for campers to attend if they so choose – as a full camp, we all attend Mass together on Friday morning.  In the evenings, each cabin will have Evening Devotional Time, where they will have a chance to discuss the faith more as a cabin and pray together before bed.

What can my camper expect in terms of a daily/weekly schedule?

When looking at the daily/weekly schedule, it’s important to note that we often need to be flexible during the week due to storms, heat, rain, etc.  When talking through the expected daily schedule with your camper, it may be very helpful to remind them that their week may look different depending on the weather they will encounter during their time at camp!

A typical day at Camp Gray looks like the following: Your camper will get ready for the day, head over to breakfast, and then head back to their cabin to clean up their spaces and get ready for the day (apply sunscreen/bug spray if needed, etc.).  From there, they will attend Morning Praise and Prayer (see above for more details on that!) and then head to their morning activities – traditional camp activities such as archery, canoeing, fishing, arts and crafts, and more! This will bring them to free time (our version of recess) before heading to lunch! After lunch, our campers will have a time of Siesta (rest time in their cabin where they may read, nap, draw), pool time, cabin time (time to spend with just their cabin around camp), and a choice time (where staff will offer a variety of activities for campers to choose from).  After our afternoon activities, campers will head to dinner and then to our evening activity – things such as Capture the Flag, a Campfire, or the Cassidy Games! After evening activities, campers will head back to their cabin for evening devotional time, before heading to bed to wake up for another exciting day at Camp Gray!

What if my camper takes daily medications?

We ask you to fill out Camper Health Forms by May 1st, which are found within our CampBrain Registration system.  When filling out the forms, there will be a place to note medications your camper may need to take daily or as needed.  Upon Sunday check-in, you will bring any necessary medications (we have OTC medications on hand, such as tylenol, ibuprofen, etc. – no need to bring those along!) in their original containers, and touch base with the check-in nurse with any notes for the medication. Our Medical Professional for the week will be responsible for the distribution of all medication during your camper’s stay.

What is the dress code for Camp?

Your camper will be busy during their week at camp, and will want to be wearing clothes that they are able to be comfortable in during their activities.  Clothing for all ages should not depict phrases or symbols that are contrary to Catholic teaching, or inappropriate for a school environment.  T-shirts are the best option for a week of camp! Tank tops for both boys and girls are permitted for warm weather – please ensure that the straps of the tank tops are at least 3” (three fingers) width, cover all undergarments, and have armpit holes that do not expose the chest (particularly for men’s tank tops).  For both boys and girls, shorts should extend at least past mid thigh.  Biker shorts and leggings should not be worn while at camp.

What is the policy for swimsuits?

We ask that males have swim trunk shorts that extend at least past mid thigh, and that females have one piece bathing suits or tankinis that fully cover their midriff.  

What are the Red/Blue shirts for on the packing list?  What other “extra” items does my camper need to pack for the week? 

Each week, all of Camp is split into the red or blue team for the Cassidy Games – a week long competition of Mini Games and a big relay race at the end of the week.  Your Camper will find out if they are on the Red or Blue team on Sunday night, which is why we ask you to pack both red and blue shirts.  There are two nights that your camper will want to wear their team color, so we encourage 2 blue shirts and 2 red shirts for packing.  These shirts do not need to be blank, or anything special – just a show of team spirit!

Your child may like to bring a journal, or a book, for winding down before bed, along with a flashlight.  It is helpful to have your child’s items labeled for the week!

Will my camper be able to see friends/siblings in other cabins or age group programs?

Yes! Each day, we have Free Time in the schedule, which brings all of Main Camp together for time to play on the basketball courts, 9-square, etc. This combines all ages and genders, and is a great time for friends and family members in different cabins to spend time together.  Additionally, many of our evening activities include mingling between the different age group programs.

How does food and meals work at Camp? What if my camper has dietary restrictions or allergies?

Campers will eat meals with their Cabin in our Dining Hall.  We serve food family style, with a hot meal served from the kitchen, and then one additional option served at each meal (Breakfast = cereal bar and toaster bar – Lunch & Dinner = salad bar). If your child has any allergies or dietary restrictions, they will touch base with the kitchen at meals to receive instructions about what they may eat and/or alternative food prepared for them.  We encourage campers to try new things, or foods they may not be used to, but we will always ensure that campers do not go hungry in the event that they are unwilling to eat the prepared food.

What happens if my camper is homesick while they’re at Camp?

For many families, Summer Camp is the first big experience of being away from home – which is very exciting, but also can cause some nerves or anxious feelings.  Our counselors are well trained on helping campers through homesickness, and will work to help your camper feel safe and well cared for whilst away from home.  In the event that your camper’s homesickness is negatively affecting their camp experience, we will be in touch with your family to make a plan of action to help your camper enjoy their week.

What happens if my camper is sick or injured while at Camp?

We have a medical professional (Nurse, PA, etc.) with us at Camp Gray each week.  Our Medical Professional is on site to care for any injuries or sickness while your child is at Camp, and will communicate with you if the event that your child’s care requires follow up!

How does Sunday Check-In work?

On Sundays, we will walk you through the check-in process upon your arrival to Camp.  You will be greeted in the Camp Gray driveway, and learn your camper’s cabin and counselor’s name!  From there, our Staff will direct you to parking, and you will head to your camper’s cabin.  If you have multiple campers, you’ll be able to stop into each cabin to get settled and meet your camper’s counselor.  From there, you will head to our dining hall to complete a brief health screening, meet with our Kitchen Staff if your camper has any allergies or dietary restrictions, meet with the nurse if your camper has any medications or notes for the nurse to be aware of, and add money into your canteen store account if you haven’t previously done so.  From there, you will head back to the cabin to sign out, and say goodbye!

How does Friday Pick-Up work?

On Friday, or Wednesday for our short weeks, our campers will pack up all of their belongings and bring them to the Gym.  Our Parent Program begins at 4:00 PM – we encourage families to arrive between 3:45-3:55 to have time to park and walk down to our Parent Program.  After attending our Parent Program, and hearing our brief 5-10 minute recap of the happenings of the week, you will sign out your camper with their counselor, and then head to the gym to pick up your camper’s belongings.

What if I need to pick my child up early from Camp?

Fridays are very busy at Camp Gray! If you need to pick up your child early, we ask that you would call the Camp Gray Office before Friday to arrange a pick up time.  Friday early pick-ups can be scheduled for anytime between 9AM – 12PM with our Registrar after calling Camp – 608-356-8200.   Early pick-ups happen at our Office – you will park at the office when you arrive and head inside to sign out your camper, who will meet you in the office with their belongings. 

Can another trusted adult drop off and/or pick up my child from Camp?

Yes! If another adult is dropping your child off at Camp, just ensure that they have all necessary information for any medications, allergies, or dietary restrictions, and that your health forms have been completed in advance.  In addition, they are also going to need to know who will be picking up your child from Camp at the end of the week.

If another adult is picking up your child from camp, we will need written permission which denotes your approval. You can either communicate with our Registrar via email in advance or during the week ( to provide permission for another adult to pick up your child, or you can fill out a permission slip at Sunday drop off to provide permission for another adult to pick your child up from Camp.