Camp Gray COVID Policies
*Updated September 29, 2020
In light of our current situation in this time of COVID-19, Camp Gray will strive to maintain the integrity of its mission while keeping children, families, renters, staff and volunteers safe. Camp Gray will ask all campers, families, rental groups, and volunteers to abide by the following guidelines which will be regularly reviewed and updated to maintain compliance with county and state public health recommendations.
Protective Measure Guidelines
- Family Health Check: Any family coming to Camp Gray should check the temperature of every household member before arriving at Camp Gray. If anyone in the family has any symptoms of sickness (temperature, cough, runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea), they are not permitted to attend the event on that day. The family should be symptom free without medicine for 24 hours before coming to Camp Gray.
- Children’s Personal Health Check: Parents should check the temperature of children before they arrive at Camp Gray. If children have any symptoms of sickness (temperature, cough, runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea), they are not permitted to attend the event on that day. Children should be symptom free without medicine for 24 hours before coming to Camp Gray.
- Adult Participants/Adult Volunteers Health Check: Adult participants and/or volunteers should take his/her temperature before arriving at Camp Gray. If adults have any symptoms of sickness (temperature, cough, runny nose, vomiting, or diarrhea), they are not permitted to attend an event on that day. Adults should be symptom free without medicine for 24 hours before coming to Camp.
- Group Size: Camp Gray is currently limiting group sizes to less than 50 people in order to maintain compliance with Sauk County regulations.
- Masking: Masking is required indoors at this time (until November 21) in the State of Wisconsin according to a statewide mandate issued by Governor Evers for all individuals who are age 5 and up. Those who are unable to wear a face covering for reasons of health, such as difficulty breathing, are exempt from the order, but they should keep socially distant (6 feet to the greatest extent possible) while attending events. Camp Gray asks that participants bring their own masks. Participants are encouraged to make use of camp’s outdoor space and limit indoor group time as much as possible.
- Social Distancing: Groups are responsible for regulating and ensuring social distancing. Camp Gray staff may help adjust furniture and convey recommendations to assist in social distancing.
- Indoor Spaces: Camp Gray Staff will clean and sanitize tables, chairs, bathrooms, and other frequently touched surfaces between the uses of different groups. Camp Gray will provide cleaning supplies for groups to clean/sanitize/disinfect as appropriate during a group’s stay. Groups will practice social distancing as best as possible in indoor space.
- Mass: Mass guidelines will follow the Diocese of Madison guidelines for returning to Mass.
- Drinking Fountains/Water Bottles: Using drinking fountains is not recommended at this time. Individuals are responsible for bringing their own water bottles. The water bottle filling stations are located in the gym, office, and dining hall and may be used to refill water bottles.
Hygiene Guidelines
“Hygiene is Happiness; Sanitization is Elation!”
- Healthy and Safety: Camp Gray is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of all who come to camp. Therefore, anyone who comes to camp will be asked to comply with Camp Gray’s hygiene policy.
- Hygiene Reminders: Group leaders will be directed to Camp Gray’s COVID-19 policies prior to their arrival at camp. They are responsible for communicating necessary precautions with participants and reminding individuals about handwashing, sanitations, etc.
- Sanitizing Stations: Hand sanitizer will be available in many locations around camp. Individuals are encouraged to sanitize their hands after using shared objects or touching surfaces when hand washing is not available.
- Handwashing: All individuals wash/sanitize hands with soap and water as they enter an indoor space, after using the restroom, before and after consuming any food, and after outdoor activities.
Cleaning Guidelines
- Commitment to Cleaning: All staff and volunteers comply with established cleaning policies as a commitment to protect the health and safety of all individuals.
- Cleaning Instruction: All staff and volunteers will be instructed on the facility cleaning policy.
- Cleaning Basics: Regular cleaning may include (but is not limited to):
- Using proper disinfecting solutions.
- Wiping down frequently touched surfaces before and after each new group (tables, chairs, counters, door handles etc.
- Cleaning restrooms before the arrival of each new group.
- A regular deep cleaning schedule.
Food Safety Guidelines
At this time, Camp will be doing very limited food service. If food service is being provided Camp Gray’s Food Service Manager will ensure that all public health recommendations are being followed during food prep, service, and clean up. Below are guidelines to follow for anyone preparing food or participating in group meals.
Policy & Procedures for COVID-19 Exposure & Positive Tests
- Transparency & Charity: All staff, volunteers, and participants coming to camp should be transparent and honest about any health concerns related to the COVID-19 situation. We must always act in charity in our response to possible COVID-19 symptoms or concerns. For example, we would always assume in charity that someone not wearing a mask has a good reason for not doing so.
- Response to Participants/Volunteers Who Test Positive for COVID-19: If an employee, volunteer, or participant tests positive for COVID -19, the spaces in which that person worked or resided should be closed off and deep cleaned. The individual will be expected to be quarantined for at least 10 days AND until he/she is fever free for 24hrs without medication AND other symptoms have subsided. A staff or volunteer may not return to serve at camp unless he or she meets the following criteria: fever free for 3 days (without medicine), symptoms have subsided, and county requirements for quarantine have been observed, OR at least 10 days have passed without any symptoms.
- Response of Those Who Show Symptoms, Have Been Exposed or Suspect Illness: Those who begin to show symptoms of illness or suspect illness should not come to Camp Gray. In the event that an individual develops symptoms while at Camp Gray they will be isolated and/or sent home as soon as possible. A space that was occupied by the individual should be disinfected. The individual should choose a self-imposed quarantine (according to county guidelines) and seek a COVID-19 test. No one should return to service until any necessary quarantine ends and symptoms have subsided.
- Children/Families Who Test Positive for COVID-19: Families who have one member who tests positive for COVID-19 should assume that all members have been exposed. Families ought to consider quarantining as a unit or having all members tested. Members of the family should not come to camp until 14 days after the last family has been without symptoms.
- Notification to Participants at Camp Gray Regarding a Positive COVID -19 Test: If a staff, volunteer, or participant tests positive for COVID-19, Camp Gray will, upon notification, immediately contact medical authority or public health officials for consultation and follow appropriate directives/suggestions, especially for those who may have been exposed to the infected person. Directives may include notification to participants, parents, staff, etc., with appropriate instructions to individuals. Exposure cases may vary in potential severity and risk based on the situational elements at the time and place of exposure, such as the symptomatic nature of the infected person at the time of exposure, the duration of exposure, the proximity of exposure, protective measures in place at the time (e.g., facial coverings), and the confined nature of the space. The potential directives for an exposure case may vary as well, including sanitation of space, testing, monitoring for symptoms, tracing, tracking, and quarantining.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Camp Gray’s COVID-19 Policies and Procedures please contact us at 608-356-8200 or